Fun with 'markdown' in messages...

edited July 2021 in General

Aka: "Super cool things to do with fonts and messages etc." ~ @sillysassy

So, last year I rekindled my love of basic html through this forum, because sometimes I just like my text to look...

Then the other day I found myself searching again (due to a @DarrenWalker post with grey text) and found this easy to use code! (he posted one too using "span")

Color Code:

<font color='ColorName'>YourText</font>

Example of Code in Use:
<font color='pink'>MyText</font>
Results in:

Colors Supported:

These are all the ones I've figured out so far by using 'standard' to 'standard-ish' color names without spaces....
♡ brown , ♡ darkred , ♡ red , ♡ orange , ♡ yellow , ♡ lightgreen , ♡ green , ♡ darkgreen , ♡ aqua , ♡ lightblue , ♡ blue , ♡ darkblue , ♡ purple , ♡ violet , ♡ pink , ♡ grey ('gray' works too), ♡ black and ♡ white (white)


  • Then today @sillysassy says we should have a place for all this stuff... Yay (a place to put all this code)!!

    So here's some more...

    Text Styles Supported:
    Use these codes...

    To get these results...

    Know of any others???

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Ooh! If you type this:

    >! Don't forget...
    >! >! ...the infamous...
    >! >! >! ...nested spoilers!

    Then you'll get this:

    Don't forget...

    ...the infamous...

    ...nested spoilers!

  • edited July 2021

    Oh yeah! @squeakytoy ~ It's the same with quoting...



    Exclamation Marks

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Also, normally, starting a line with a "#" creates a header like this:


    If you want to skip the formatting and make the hashtag show up, just put a "\" to the left of the hashtag. If you type this:


    Then you'll get this:


  • Oohhh thank you ladies this helps a lot 🫂

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @quixotic_life Heck yes! The "\" to the left of almost any special character will escape its formatting. For example...

    *Not italic!*
    **Not bold!**

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Oh, right. If you type this:

    Text in a wee grey box

    You get this:

    Text in a wee grey box
  • Those three little back tics (before and after a block) allow you to display sample code blocks too (shows any code used as plain text).

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited July 2021

    @quixotic_life Yep! I know that sometimes markdown is set up to let you specify the language (ie. "```java") so you'll get the right syntax highlights too, but alas, that doesn't seem to be the case here :(

  • I know... boo...!!

  • My favorite cuddle pillow talk: how I made my forum text font and colors, lol

  • Lol @cookiecrumb ~ I've actually done that! 🤣

  • Hurray for girl geeks.

  • edited July 2021

    @DarrenWalker ~ Can you post (or may I copy to here, but maybe shortened a little) your handy-dandy write up on 'spoilers' from the, "Questions about how things work" thread?

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @quixotic_life: Please feel free to copy with or without shortening! (It's a fairly busy night down here at the gas station... at the moment, anyway.)

  • Wow, this is amazing.

    Too bad it’s late and I just had a half a glass of red wine.

    I’ll have to try this later.

    Thank you!

  • OMGOSH!!!!! You all!!! Thank you so much for starting this!! It's brilliant!!! And it has a title that I will always be able to remember!!!! (Maybe if we send cookies to the important people it could get a STICKIE!!!)

    @squeakytoy the words you say make me all swoony!!!! "the wee grey box" NESTED SPOILERS!!! and omgeeeeeee "but alas" So much fun for all!!!!

    @cookiecrumb hahaha PILLOW TALK INDEED!!!


    Thank goodness for red wine!! CORKS ARE FOR QUITTERS!! 😂 We shall have to share a bottle and have a toast when I make my way out there.

  • Wow! That was a LOT of exclamation points!!

    SHEESH! 😂🤣😁

  • edited July 2021

    I love this so much. Are we hiding it as spoiler because it’s not allowed?

  • @Tranquilescape I love your user name. 💗💗💗

    JUST me..... The reason why I use a spoiler is the idea that maybe my information is off OP's topic or I am bantering back in forth with one specific person OR..... in the case of the most recent thread... I feel like when my response is SUPER LONG people might not want to read my stuff and this way it doesn't take up the whole page. (There are some people that I just skip right over because its sometimes challenging to read an off topic novella)

    Its also fun to make it interesting for the brain just like Bold font or the offset gray in the quote. It makes your eye pay attention to the intensity of it. I love having the option of more than just BOLD or ALL SHOUTY CAPITALS!!! :)

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)
    edited July 2021

    Pay no attention to THIS RED TEXT

    Neat, thank you!

  • edited July 2021

    @sillysassy thank you 😌.

    this is my favorite color.

  • Okay help needed please from the wonderful women here
    How do I put in a gif here😳🧐

  • First I usually have to save it somewhere.... On my desktop or on my phone.

    Then you go to the "add images" button below and choose that one. So far I can't add gifs to messages just to forums threads.

  • @sillysassy thannkk yoouu🤩🤩😘

  • @Melomaniac9 ~ check your PM's for copiously detailed instructions!!

  • @sillysassy - you can click on the star/favorite/bookmark icon for any thread. This puts it in the "My Bookmarks" area - should be top right of whatever browser/device you're using (like below).

  • [Deleted User]BigBear4Cuddles (deleted user)

    cybersecurity nerd warning
    I love geekery. I see this and wonder how cross-site scripting/code injection is mitigated with a site that allows HTML code and remote image links. The forum engine probably does some scrubbing.

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