Annual cuddle convention🤗

Would it not be Amazing to have an annual cuddle convention!! I see it in the mountain somewhere maybe Tennessee at a big mountain resort. With lots of cabin to cuddle in, hot tubs, great meeting rooms, good food, campfires, tents, Mountain overlooks. Cuddling Workshops😔💛❤️



  • I am all ears. What activities? Structure? Convention is a broad expansive term in this day and age. What would the workshops cover?

  • There used to be one, it was called cuddle expo but they stopped doing it a couple years back. I would definitely go if there was a new cuddle convention

  • Yeah I’m just giving the skeleton a few ideas I have all the ideas hoping for incite. I have a good imagination though. Hoping for some feedback if anybody knows or something that already exists. Or somebody was good at organizing. I’m more of an ideal person. I think a good workshop would be on what actually is the benefits of cuddling. Would be great to have a bed and show different cuddle positions.

  • A cuddle themed costume party would rock. If I can find this outfit, I would be the Spoon King.

  • Interesting outfit

  • I am sure the spoons are recyclable.

  • @xandriarain
    Yes indeed true. The one in Chicago.
    Not lot of people knew about it.

  • Networking night for pros and enthusiasts with an open bar?

  • I would love this!!

  • @kimberly77 You have just described heaven!

  • @YourEmbraceMe! Thanks I hope it can happen!!

  • Wow! Yes! Love this idea ✨

  • Sounds like super fun.... Especially if its a costume party like @FunCartel suggests!!! 🤣🤣🤣

    @ubergigglefritz had a similar idea and you guys aren't too far from each other... Maybe a fun collaborative thing and it could wind up in different states.

    This is her thread....

    Welcome to the site @kimberly77 😊

  • This would be incredible!

  • @sillysassy thanks for the tag. 😊 Yes, I have a great spot for a small group cuddle event. I'm working on setting up rooms for short-term vacation rentals, all king sized beds. I think the concept is more complicated to implement than in theory, but it would be really cool to make happen somehow. I could offer camping space also (or people can do hammocks, if using tree safe straps and follow other safe practices), to help give more sleeping options, or floor space, etc. Not everyone would be comfortable sleeping in the same bed as strangers. 🤔

  • I’d do it once the pandemic dies down.

  • This would be an excellent idea 💡💡

  • Would there be people from eastern Canada and carpooling organized ? (Because as the quintessential neo-hippie I am, I don't have a car)
    Even better : Why not having a gathering in eastern Canada ? Preferably in the Province of Quebec which is a piece of France in North America (Quebec City, the capital of the province is called 'The Little Paris of North America')

  • @RotDhal I don’t think Canada would want gatherings aren't they locked down? I am not Vaccinated because of personal reasons. So I would not be going to Canada, but you should get one going there💛 sounds like a fun place though.

  • @ubergigglefritz i’ve been busy like everyone else but I really like all the ideas and thoughts, anybody seriously considering about hosting or getting it together let me know I will help.

    I think it is hard to sleep in a bed with strangers but that’s why it’s great about the weekend as you get to know people. Would it be fun to pick a numbers and then you end up with the person the number you picked. Then you would have some time to meet them. It gets us out of our comfort zone, but Back into a comfort zone😬🤣 As you can tell I’m an extrovert. I’d like to cuddle everybody on here. If you’ve never checked out a cuddle party you should they are a blast!!

  • edited December 2021

    I'll be happy to host one in Austin. Or at least investigate the logistics of doing that.

  • @CuddlesByDeep
    You would be good at that!! I would come to Austin.

  • Happy to host in central Virginia once I get the place finished and all set up. 👍 I've attended quite a few cuddle parties. It's really important for everyone to feel safe. I would want there to be planned bed space for the number of people in such a way that no one needs to share if they don't want to. Maybe plan something for the spring. 😊 See if there's any response...

  • edited December 2021

    What sort of scale are we expecting? Under 20 20? 20-50? 51-100? More than 100? Probably better to start small and then aim to grow slowly.

    Also are we talking about a day event where there would be a planned daily agenda but otherwise attendees organize their own accomodations? Or are we are envisioning an all contained retreat situation where accomodations and/or food are included along with a planned schedule of daily activities? The latter would be much more involved to plan, though certainly possible.

    I regularly host events at a space that can comfortably have 15-20 attendees for daytime events. I'm certainly happy to offer that space for this. If we are expecting a larger crowd, then I can look and see what options are available for a larger crowd.

  • @kimberly77 would certainly love to have you visit 🤗. @ubergigglefritz your setup seems awesome, I'll certainly make it your way for such an event 🙂

  • @CuddlesByDeep CuddlExpo was awesome. It was a bit on the bigger side. Anything I hosted would likely be on the smaller side to not overload my septic system. 😆 I could offer overnight space at a cost or there are other Airbnb spots as well nearby. And like I mentioned earlier in the thread, any campers could scope out a flattish spot to set up, or a couple trees for a hammock, etc. Different options, but definitely more of a serene nature spot than urban. 😊 Different benefits to different ways of doing it though. 😇 I'll keep people posted as to whatever I end up organizing. The question is, does cuddle comfort take a fee from group cuddle events and overnight accommodations also? 😝😉

  • [Deleted User]stdisc0827 (deleted user)

    This sounds amazing

  • It would be great to have a East Coast cuddle and a West Coast cuddle so there’s a few of them throughout the year. It would be fun to accommodate up to 100 people someday. I feel like the best place would be to rent out a mountain resort type thing, I do think it’s good to start small though. I love your ideas.

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