Annual cuddle conventionšŸ¤—



  • [Deleted User]stdisc0827 (deleted user)

    You are right, even I heard about the convention and it got canceled due to pandemic

    Would love to meet you there

  • Who used to host CuddleExpo? Was it an individual cuddler or a cuddle platform?
    The first weekend in March 2020, right before covid, @TheTouchCoach hosted a small group cuddle party in a hotel room in NYC. I didn't attend because I was just getting over being sick (with what I'm sure now was covid before we knew it was here).
    Though, she told me it was a huge success and was deeply profound for everyone who went, I don't remember how many people attended, but I know they maxed out the bed.
    Originally, I was co-planning it with her before I got sick and I do remember that cuddlecomfort was a little iffy on us using the site as a tool to advertise the party. I think we posted it on the forum and we were told in the future it would be best to ask @Mark for permission first.

  • There are two very different things getting mixed up on this thread. Both are potentially great, but they are entirely separate ideas.

    The first is an event for enthusiasts, and will involve lots of cuddling for those who want to. This brings all the challenges and benefits of a cuddle workshop/party, and a whole lot more besides. Such an event may involve professional cuddlers as facilitators i.e. they would be part of the staff and would likely be paid in some way.

    The second is more like the convention in Chicago that I think didn't happen, which is an information, ideas and networking event for professionals. In general, clients/enthusiasts would not be invited. (Obviously there are always rare exceptions.)

    Mixing professionals and enthusiasts at an event where both are participants would be very challenging indeed, if it's even advisable.

  • I'm looking forward to something coming together on the Mid-Atlantic region.

  • That sounds so cool! We could do massage tradeoffs and have a giant cuddle puddle or spoon train! Oh what joy

  • @CuddleDuncan CuddlExpo in Chicago happened once. Anyone could go to the whole event, but the convention talks were geared towards professionals. Anyone could pay for just the cuddle parties, and just come for the evening cuddle parties. šŸ˜‡ It was awesome.

    Agree though, with cuddle parties, facilitators are typically compensated. My location idea, you would basically be paying for accommodations (that's my other business, vacation rental rooms, soon a suite also). My idea would be pretty darn cheap even just for two nights of accommodations, so you could consider the cuddle portion "free". šŸ˜†

    On your last point though, as a professional, I have attended A few cuddle parties as an attendee. I find it super helpful and would appreciate professionals coming as attendees if I ran an event. I'm confused as to why you think it would be bad to mix. šŸ¤”

  • @ubergigglefritz it's late here and in my last post I favoured brevity too much over clarity.

    More in the morning, I'm obviously not thinking straight now.

  • @CuddleDuncan definitely two things being talked about here. Cuddle parties vs the expo. To have networks of cuddle parties happening on a regular basis all over the country and world would be really cool. To have cuddle expo's would definitely further legitimize cuddling as a true profession and not just some side hustle, which I think is something most of us want. To an outsider, everything sites like cuddlecomfort stand for seem bizarre.
    I love the idea of larger Cuddle Expo networking events/or non-cuddle parties where everyone on this site (pros, enthusiasts, moderators and admins) could all meet face-to-face and mingle (not necessarily meet to cuddle) A sort of in-person cuddle forum. Outside of Cuddle Expo, it sounds like this has never been done, so it would be super exciting to create. Whereas cuddle parties have been done hundreds of times since the inception of professional cuddling, not to say they aren't amazing experiences, it's just something the scale of an expo all about platonic touch would be epic!
    @ubergigglefritz Who hosted/organized Cuddle Expo in Chicago?

  • @MattsWeather a few professional cuddlers, current big leaders in the industry - Lisa Meece, Fei Wyatt, and Keeley Shoup. All three are amazing women. šŸ’œ

  • edited December 2021

    If it happens this will be the best one yet. If someone plans please let me know when and where cause I total have to be there

  • @ubergigglefritz I really like your ideas. I definitely think there should be a mixture. Everybody be on the same playing field. Just like one happy party. The reasons that men donā€™t become professional cuddlers is because women donā€™t need the cuddling as much as men do but should that keep them from coming to an event like a huge cuddle party. And I love the idea as a big spoon train. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about just the freedom to have fun, nothing too structured. I honestly donā€™t like the idea of alcohol there but thatā€™s just me. Thatā€™s when I feel like things get weird . But then I donā€™t like drinking so thatā€™s my own story. It would just be great in like a fall time with fires and blankets and cozy settings with beautiful nature surrounding us. Nothing to structure or formal.

  • Sounds amazing but in lieu of Covid and the new variant Iā€™d have to hold back even though Iā€™m vaccinated.. I like the whole outdoorsy thing on a mountain!

  • @kimberly77 be careful with semantics. "The reasons that men donā€™t become professional cuddlers is because women donā€™t need the cuddling as much as men do" is not correct at all. One could say (on average) men are more likely to be at a touch deficit in their lives because (on average) male to male relationships don't experience compassionate touch, but all humans (except those who have issues or trauma around touch) "need" touch / cuddling, that is just one of quite a few explanations as to why male professionals struggle more to get sessions, and there are many women who absolutely need and would benefit from a platonic and professional cuddling session... Anyway, I just twinged a little at your statement. šŸ˜†

  • @ubergigglefritz sorry I didnā€™t mean for that to come off wrong. I just meant that women get their needs met by other women. Itā€™s too bad our society is not like others where men get their affection from other men. Thatā€™s so taboo here. I had friends that would hold hands and people thought they were gay so they got T-shirts weā€™re not gay weā€™re just best friends. Theyā€™re both married now. I donā€™t think we would need a cuddling site if men or women got their needs met by friends and family and spouses. ā˜ŗļø I should take more before I just put some thing down. Thanks for the critique. Not even sure this will come off right but my intentions are good

  • Ambitious. Let me know when. šŸ™ƒā˜ŗļøšŸ™ƒā˜ŗļø

  • What sort of topics/items would be good agenda items for a cuddle conference?

  • edited December 2021

    @kimberly77 i %100 agree with you, all my pros told me it's very rare they have women clients, is like %2 majority are men which proves men need cuddle and touch more than women , no argument in that.

  • @Ahmedali999 no one would argue that women comprise a small majority of cuddle clients, but that is not because women "need" cuddle and touch less than men. One additional reason for the professional perspective from client distribution is because it's easier for women to find cuddles/touch for free (not that that's always necessarily the best or safest way to get those needs met, but it's harder to justify an expense when you can seemingly get it for free). I personally believe there is a huge need for professional cuddlers for women, which we'll see more of once the industry and the service are more widely accepted in society. Specifically because women are more likely to be in caretaker roles or employment, causing a higher risk and prevalence for caretaker burnout. Many women would benefit greatly from taking a break worrying about anyone else and to simply receive. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

    Mostly the point I was making however is the use of the universal statement "women need touch less than men" which is wholly inaccurate, as (virtually) all humans need touch. What varies is the deficiency someone may have in their life. But even making a universal statement that women are less deficient in touch in their lives than men can be invalidating to women who don't have people in their life who meet those needs. The correlation of deficiency is only there because it is more likely for women to have friends or family they can hug or cuddle with, but there are huge numbers of women who are touch deprived. Just because they aren't hiring professional cuddlers doesn't mean they don't exist in numbers grossly higher than may appear. The only assumption / statement that really should be made is that men hire professional cuddlers more often than women.

    Anyway, just some food for thought. šŸ˜‡

  • edited December 2021

    @ubergigglefritz thanks for your beautiful response,its not for me it's for everyone who has same believe as i do.
    ā˜ but i want point something very important, touch it's very necessary in life same level as šŸšŸ–šŸŒšŸ„–food and šŸ’§water , the lack of it has so many side effects 1 of them is suicide,in life there are so many sufferings, struggles,stress,pains, and touch,affection,compassion very necessary. It's healing
    cuddle therapy saved my life because i have lots problems such as lack of touch ,communication difficulties, failures,pelvic pain, difficulties ect .

    I know this site has nothing to do with relationships means touch , butā˜ I will talk about it, for example in the Middle East , we have major problem of celibacy, thousands of men commit suicide because they can't afford to get marriage means touch,it has nothing to do with religion , it's to do with greedy parents asking for huge amounts of dowry, they only accept someone who has money not the poor like waiter,cleaner ect ,it's rare case women commit suicide because of lack of touch. I always follow the news, i only heard 1sā˜ beautiful lady committed suicide because all her friends got married not her, i feel sorry for her, but so many of men u hear that all the time. You are right about women don't have problem with lack of touch,

  • So, about the convention and/or parties! I'd love to go. If there's an invite list, count me in.

  • @ubergigglefritz @MxSmith Perhaps we could reach out to those who ran the Cuddle Expo and see if they'd want to collaborate on putting something similar together. Though maybe on a smaller scale given the covid situation. We probably couldn't seriously set dates or anything for it until there is more certainty with covid. Anything larger scale (or even small group cuddling) is a bit precarious for now, especially if you are having some people flying to a convention.
    I love how we are addressing the disparity between male and female professional cuddlers. I personally would love to become a pro cuddler but I just don't see a huge demand for it so I've resisted investing in doing that.

  • @MattsWeather I think thatā€™s a good idea seeing who ran the expo before. What a great way to raise your immune system cuddling. The Covid probably wouldnā€™t even touch us. Iā€™m just having fun take me too seriously. But I think thatā€™s a good idea Matt.

  • edited December 2021


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