Do you think someone could set up a store or stand that sold hugs specifically?

There's a lot of times when I feel anxious or melancholic and want a hug from someone I wouldn't feel weird about hugging randomly (which includes everyone in my day-to-day life), and of course, there is no one to hug...

In those situations, I wish there were 24/7 hug stores I could just walk into and pay someone maybe $10 or $15 for a single hug. That would be so worth it! Maybe you could have hug deals with like discounts per hug too if you buy in bulk!

This would be an awesome service for folks to offer in general! I also imagine it could be something offered to those waiting in the lobby of cuddling spas if such things ever one day become a thing.

Does anyone else feel similarly like they would pay per hug? Have any pro cuddlers ever thoughts of this as a business opportunity too? It's got to be something that would be a hit!



  • No, not long term. Rent and overhead at brick and mortars are astronomical these days.

  • That reminds me of a peanuts cartoon episode lol

  • @lonelytauros the Snoopy kissing stand?

  • @OhioMike So precious.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Free Hugs are a common sight around these parts. Quite a few churches will put signs on the road saying "Free Hugs" and they usually have a tent in the parking lot near the road.

  • edited February 2023

    Quite a few churches will put signs on the road saying "Free Hugs" and they usually have a tent in the parking lot near the road.

    Yeah I avoid “free hugs” from priests.

  • I used to wear my free hugs T-shirt all the time and very rarely did anybody want to hug me once in a while I would ask someone for a hug and I think that was the best way. I remember one guy said I’m all dirty and sweaty I said that doesn’t matter you still need a hug it was so nice hugging him. Some times a few ladies would hug me because they said they had a bad day. I would love to be in a building giving hugs all day man that would be the best job ever. It would be even better if I could give hugs in the woods or on the beach. People seem to be very nervous about people giving free hugs. It looks too weird and everybody’s worried about how things look.

  • @FunCartel yes I think that’s the one!

  • If each hug was $10-$15 you would need dozens if not hundreds of customers a day to be profitable depending on the overhead costs. Presuming that it would not be feasible to prescreen clients there are obvious safety risks not to mention the health risk of catching viruses and other contagious diseases by hugging so many people each day.

  • I guess I really like hugging because I always would used to say when someone said I had a cold don’t hug me.. I would say you need a hug more than ever. And I would always give them a hug I never worried about getting sick. And the weird thing is I never did. Hugging build your immune system. From what I’ve heard

  • I would volunteer to give free hugs obviously since I’m wearing the shirt. But it would be nice to have a non profit business where you get paid ahead of time and everyone can get hug for free.

  • @pmvines interesting perspective.

  • Lemonaide stand style? Hugs 1$ written on a sign in sharpie. That's how I imagine this business model working. Set up right next to the cookie pushers... I mean girl scouts.

  • If there was an app for spur-of-the-moment public cuddles, I would probably use that pretty often.

  • It is silly , impractical, and just kinda weird to be honest. Hugs are great. Cuddling is great. Hug store is like an idea from a children's book though.

  • @OhioMike those uniforms. Hated them and will never forgive my mother for making me wear them. Ew.

  • Also @pmvines if girl scouts can sell those waxy, overpriced junk cookies I think hugs could sell. hahahahaha. Pessimism does you no good in the business world.... LOL. Although the person who made he-man dolls should have seriously gone with some pessimism.

  • @stormydaycuddle and yet you still sold more girl scout cookie than anyone right? 🤣

  • edited February 2023

    @OhioMike no my mom was also seriously disorganized.
    @KozyKim we are trying to set up a store here...I'm so joking free hugs are great.

  • Can you imagine applying for a business license?

  • If it could, it would be happening here in Los Angeles. The closest I've seen are workshops. I don't think there has ever been a storefront. The Cuddle Sanctuary comes close and pre-covid there was way more going on.

  • @KozyKim I’ll take one of those free hugs 🤗

  • @Charlie_Bear you will get an extended hug, and a back scratch while I’m hugging you🤗

  • @carrieanne I love that video. Maybe it makes people feel uncomfortable seeing them but if you had a blindfold on the people feel more comfortable. That does make sense. I love his sign too. I’m going to see if my friend will do that with me down in the city. That would probably be a fun adventure for a meet and greet after the meet and greet is over to go out on the street with free hugs:)

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