Do you think someone could set up a store or stand that sold hugs specifically?



  • @KozyKim yay! one day I hope I can collect ☺️

  • I think it would work using the food truck model. But the proprietor would have to offer other items to be viable: Life coaching, mentorship, conflict resolution, shoulder to cry on, relationship advice, someone to tell your deepest secrets to, etc.

  • I always give virtual hugs

    Wraps my arms around you and squeezes tight.

  • Id imagine a hugging stand would be set up next to the kissing booth. Might work at a fair or a festival.

  • Isn't there an Indian woman who just goes around hugging people her whole life? I can't think of her name, but she travels and will have events, hundreds of people will line up to hug her. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

  • edited February 2023

    @TeaBabe you’re thinking of Amma (mother) or Mata Amritanandamayi; she is the “hugging saint”. I heard a podcast where two people went to see her. It took about 4 hours for them to get hugged. She’s hugged 34 million people! She also give you a mantra, but not all the time.

    I don’t believe she’s been on tour because of the pandemic. Last one was in 2019.

  • @Syins Thank you! Gosh that is just so cool. I hope she tours again.

  • No. Thats a little to tempting for creeps to have bad touch

  • I think a better business model would be Cuddle Raves and have @Originalirish be the DJ.

  • Hugs should be free. Charging for a hug is awful. Those free hugs people are amazing.

  • @Melancholy - That's what goes on here. A cuddle is nothing more than a prolonged hug.

  • @KozyKim that is soooo sweet!!

  • Combine the cookies and the hugs and I'm in. Just straight chocolate while hugging would be even better. Mmmmmm pure bliss

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