bad day

How do you cope from having a bad day?



  • meditate

  • Id listen to

  • take a shot and then go for or walk or take a nap depending on the time of day/weather

  • [Deleted User]Julesocean (deleted user)

    Such a good question
    I do what I can to practice self compassion
    By this I mean so doing something that I like, listening to music, having a conversation With a loved one, giving myself brain candy, like positive comments, or sitting with good memories
    I might have something sweet or fruit , something to remind me of good things
    Ultimately, I try and let go of what was bad, remember that when I am home, in my domaine, I am hopefully far removed from what was bad, and if not, I build a small protective space in my mind, I can imagine only positive things in, and kindly ask the bad things to kick dirt
    I hope this is helpful

  • [Deleted User]HolisticHoney_ (deleted user)

    Go for nature walks 💕

  • [Deleted User]Julesocean (deleted user)

    @HolisticHoney_ yes yes and yes walks are so good, especially if you include mindfulness
    Being with gratitude for the moment in that space. The smells, sights, sounds, and thoughts as well💜💜🙏

  • edited March 2023

    I go sit outside with my dog. Feel the breeze, watch for wildlife, gaze at the clouds, feel the sunshine on my toes... It doesn't fix anything, but it puts me in a different headspace and I come back in feeling refreshed.

    🐕 🌬 🦅 ☁️ 🌄

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    P.S. ...Or, alternatively, I play smashmouth with chocolate or mashed potatoes... Ya know... Depends on how emotionally healthy I'm feeling, that day. 😏

  • [Deleted User]Mman (deleted user)

    @jimboslice5014 Take a few minutes and do nothing, just draw a blank. After that remember how worthy and lucky you are to be alive and have many opportunities to explore. Try and focus on those things you thoroughly enjoy.
    I find music and long walks helpful.
    Keep moving forward, and don't look back.

  • Hug my kid. Pet my cats. Sing. Do a puzzle.

  • Take a good poops

  • Absolutely agree with walking and hiking. Nothing clears my mind more than being outside in nature. Austin is particularly nice with its rocky hillsides. You’re pretty much forced to set your troubles aside when you’re negotiating those steep paths. I did fall once and it was painful. Thankfully I didn’t roll.

    And this time of year: gardening. So much gardening.

  • If there are practical reasons for my bad day, like something went wrong. I might do some of the things mentioned here, but also I would need to come up with a plan for dealing with whatever it was that was going wrong. I may not be able to solve it, but if I have a plan, then the problem won't gnaw at me so much.

  • [Deleted User]M3521 (deleted user)

    I think it really depends on what made my day bad, as others have mentioned. I try to think of positive coping methods as sort of like "tools" that I put in my "tool box" with the idea being that even if a positive coping method is only effective 1 in a million times, its still worth having in your tool box to try to use and see if it works. Because if it does work, then I'm thankful that it does. If it doesn't work, then I try something else.

    One particular thing that I try to do is ask myself "What do I really know?" I get the impression that there isn't really much that I know for certain. For example, a few weeks ago I was driving through a certain area and I noticed that my surroundings looked very ugly. The buildings were old, the pavement was cracked, nothing looked very beautiful to me which made me feel down.

    But then I realized that I've never really read to much on the philosophy of aesthetics which deals with nature of beauty among many other things. So, really, what the heck do I know about beauty and what makes something beautiful or not? It helped me feel less depressed not because it made my surroundings beautiful (which it did not) but rather it kind of helped me to not lean so heavily on my assumption that I was surrounded by ugliness.

    Of course, as I mentioned above, this coping method doesn't seem to work everytime though I wish that it would. But, I'm grateful for it when it does work.

    Also, look at pictures of adorable cats! haha.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesInWI (deleted user)

    I do my best to remember that a bad moment isn’t a bad minute.

    A bad day isn’t a bad week, or a bad month.

    At some point, and it is a process, you sort of stop letting the minutes, the days, even the years, toss you around anymore.

    You trust your center, you know your friends, and you can reach both to get you past that temporary storm.

  • I remember that every time I've had a bad day or felt bad that I eventually got over it. I always came to the end of it, sometimes without even trying. And I am a pessimist! But this happens every time regardless.

    Doing something mindless and repetitious outdoors helps. Of course lots of us live where the weather doesn't allow this to be a regular default fix. Looking out in the distance while outdoors is even better than looking right in front of you. There is a noticeable difference.

    As much as I hate housekeeping, cleaning and tidying something can help some.

    Sometimes listening to music you already know is upbeat and dancing like crazy in the house is helpful. In my case, knowing how I look when I dance kinda makes me laugh sometimes.

    The satisfaction of acting appropriately at work or in public when I did not feel like it all helps me.

    Being mindful or meditation really does help. Sit quietly (not on furniture) in silence or low soothing music, eyes closed or eyes open but continually focused on the same small spot. It can be the knob on a cabinet or anything. Count slowly (I do this in my head, not out loud) from 1 to 9, then continue with 8 back down to 1. Like most things, the more you do it, the better the results.

  • @M3521 👏🏻

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • I listen to this song and then everything is all better.

  • We couldn't appreciate the good days if we didn't have bad days.

  • A bad day doesn't mean a bad life

  • @HumbleBaron well, I generally enjoy the soothing melodies of ice cube on a really bad day. I need something just a little harsher.

  • I think your forum posts are nice and inviting. I have had some bad days before. If you face the negativity and own up to eveything leading up to it, thats real empowering. Dont let the shadows scare you into a corner. Dont let it build up. Maybe have a release of emotions. But if its not that or not that serious you can benefit from all that is listed. Poops and all. Only you can order your next moves and how you carry that weight or how you release that weight. Also bad is subjective to me. You have to look at the bright side of life and lean into that. What makes me feel 'good' is helping others, humor of all grades, and opening my mind to just about anything. I have to say @achetocuddle idea to clean is a little gem. Cleaning clears my mind and you can feel like you've accomplished alot during a deep clean.

  • Writing down what made my day bad helps a lot. I usually don’t dwell on things like that so often, however that seems to help me get over whatever affected me. Also doing something nice for myself like making a nice meal, or just getting out of the house to take my mind off of it.

  • [Deleted User]MrAdmirer (deleted user)

    I typically put my music on and go for a walk. It's free and it is good for your body and soul

  • edited March 2023

    @achetocuddle what you said!
    thats exactly what I always say to my children, just like my mom did to me.
    “This too shall pass”. And reflect on other tough days you got through. Know you will likely feel better very soon!
    Meanwhile, walking while listening to the following fixes it for me…

  • I love the comment bad day doesn't mean bad life @pmvines!

    When I have a bad day, I tell myself that it's ok to visit for a day, but I'm not unpacking. So I allow myself to feel/experience the bad day. But I don't stay there for long. When it's time to move on, music is the best ✨️ I have a go-to play list that I know will get my toe tapping 🎶

  • Dark chocolate wrapped in bacon!
    Chemically it has all the happy stuff and gives s good wake up lol

    But of course just taking time for yourself is always a good start in coping from a bad day 💜

  • @JessArt88
    Am I the only one who’s never tried dark chocolate with bacon?? Sounds amazing. Bacon goes with everything.

  • Have a random conversation with my kid, snuggle my cat, go to the gym and/or take a nap.

  • How about taking a nap at the gym, while cuddling cats? 🫨

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • [Deleted User]TheLatina (deleted user)

    Sometimes I go for a drive while listening to rock and singing to the top of my lungs with the windows down. Just so I can feel the wind on my hair, or I sit in my car for like 30 mins before going in the apartment just so I can remember wtf I'm supposed to be doing after work.

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