What transphobia looks like



  • According to Cambridge Dictionary:

    woman, noun
    an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth

    Or if you want to go with the first definition usually given, here's that:

    an adult female human being

    However, please note, also from Cambridge Dictionary:

    female, adjective
    belonging or relating to women or girls

    Thus, a woman is an adult human being who relates to being a woman.

  • @JohnR1972

    You went all over the place in your rant. First off, we're talking about transphobia, not homophobia. Maybe both apply to you, I don't know.

    Your complaint that Pride Month is an entire month, while veteran's day is only a day. Most people can see that the two have nothing to do with each other. Plus, veteran's day is a federal holiday. Pride Month is not.

    Tell me why veteran's day should be veteran's month. Tell me how veterans are constantly harassed, discriminated against, and assaulted. Tell me how veterans are considered subhuman for being veterans. Tell me how difficult it is for veterans to find each other because they have to hide who they are. Tell me how veterans can get arrested for being veterans. And then tell me how Pride Month in any way diminishes veteran's day.

    And tell me, do you have the same objection to Black History Month?

    And then you got all offended because you didn't understand what I said. I tried to show the difference between a live and let live attitude and a get rid of them attitude. To you, I guess, they're the same thing. You refused to accept any correction to your misconception. You refused to even acknowledge a clarification. That is entirely on you. And it's not as if you ever once said you consider the question offensive.

    Your reason for being offended at your misreading of what I said? In person you're supposedly a nice guy. I don't know you in person. Honestly, I don't want to know you in person. You've shown yourself to be a vile, hateful person. It's not like you have to be violent to want to get rid of transgender people. All you have to do is support transgender people not being able to get gender affirming care or otherwise be themselves. You'll have lots of miserable transgender people - the ones that don't commit suicide, anyway.

    I initially thought you were a live and let live person. But your responses made it clear you don't want Pride Month to exist, despite how helpful it is to LGBT people for finding support, affirmation, and community that they might not be able to find elsewhere. Not the attitude of a nice person.

    Serious question: would you be offended if I had asked you, “are you just a trans person or the type of trans person who condones shooting children at a Christian school in Nashville”?

    Honestly? I would think you're transphobic for thinking that condoning school shootings is a transgender trait. And that you're desperately trying to think of dichotomies similar to what I said, and failing badly. Since it's the type of question that comes from an utterly clueless person, I wouldn't waste my time being offended.

    And finally, your belief that transgender women should be banned from sports? Is it based on studies that show that transgender women will always be physically superior to cisgender women? No, it isn't. It's based entirely on your own personal feelings. And that also is what makes you transphobic.

    As far as you being one of the "better ones" (which I guess means you admit that you're a transphobe), there's a saying that applies here. "If you have 1 Nazi and 10 people who tolerate Nazis, you have 11 Nazis."

  • @Mike403
    I am curious- Do you think @deathdish _**should **_ be banned for his most recent post to @Unscented_Lemon?

  • @BrianOcean thanks, saved me the time of typing something similar.

  • Technically, “belonging or relating to” is not the same as someone who “relates”.

  • @Releasing You're welcome to have your own values. But if your values say that transgender people shouldn't exist or should be discriminated against, why would it be wrong to call that transphobic?

    @Kense If you made a post on what racism looks like, I would be reading it and trying to learn from it. I wouldn't be saying "Nope, that's not racism." I wouldn't be arguing with your experiences. Except for the bit about not celebrating Juneteenth. I don't know where you thought that up. I posted nothing like that in my list.

    A hypothetical for you. Let's say I said you were inferior because you're black. Would you consider that just a disagreement, or would you call it racist? If you treat racism the same way you treat transphobia, then it would be the former, even though it's clearly the latter. And how would you feel about me saying it's just a disagreement? Would you feel like I'm downplaying racism?

    @Sooson I was wondering when you'd show up. Will TxTom be here soon, then?

  • edited June 20

    @BrianOcean @Kense - Being a prior banned troll that that comes here just to stir up shit? yes.

  • @mulftor nobody goes into a post expecting to defend themselves . It was curiosity to see what a person finds transphobic . If you see a list of 17 things and everything you mostly agree with then one thing is off you’re now labeled a “transphobe” doesn’t make it true or that you’re a hit dog. What kind of faulty reasoning is that?

  • @BrianOcean @Kense Thank you for admitting that you don't acknowledge transgender peoples' correct pronouns or identity.

  • @BrianOcean no, deathtroll will be banned because he has broken TOS, repeatedly, and continues to break TOS. He creates new accounts just to come into the forums to harass and troll. He has had heavens know how many alt accounts banned at this point, after having been banned previously for his own actions.

    Do not defend a troll breaking TOS to be a bully and a jerk. You'll end up with egg on your face.

  • @Kense it's pretty easy to just accept that is someone's reality and leave it at that.

  • @Unscented_Lemon you keep going back to the non existent thing which nobody in here mentioned. I’m referring to my belief that you’re either male or female biologically and if you disagree you’re a transphobe.

    Your examples on race don’t make sense because calling a person inferior based on racial make up has zero scientific evidence nor is it fact. What is fact is if you’re born with a vagina you’re a female if you’re born with a penis you’re a male. Racism is based on negative stereotypes and opinions not facts. If a person feels I’m inferior only based on race, then yes they are a racist, just like if they think you’re inferior because you’re trans they are a transphobe. A person who thinks a male is a male and a woman is a woman isn’t a transphobe . What’s so negative about that?

  • @mulftor exactly , so stop being biased and not accepting mine.

  • @Mike403
    A troll stirring things up is certainly a matter of opinion.

    Was the OP stirring things up with the initial post? Or maybe the forums are only a place for cheerleading the Original Poster like I sarcastically suggested in another thread.

    The question is should @deathdish be banned for his question?

    Should he be banned for his statement?

    Do you really beleive that the Original Post of "What Transphobia Looks Like" was not desinged to stir things up?

    I know the responses will be the Original Post was to Protect The Trans Community and other such noble suggestions.

    Many of us know the post was seeking a response and they got one. If they don't get the response they desire then those who oppose them are Transphobes and now Trolls also I suppose

  • I was honestly hoping that there would be people who come here and ask "What about X?" "Can you clarify Y?" There was one thing that was asked. It was a good question, and I explained that it was not transphobic. And I think a few people might have learned something, but they were already willing to learn.

    I'd hoped the transphobes could find it in themselves to stay away, but here they are, trying to tell me what transphobia is, and being dismissive of my identity and experiences. You could even accurately say they're trying to force their views on me. All they had to do was not engage in something they "disagree" with.

  • Welp guess I'm one

  • Whatever happened to "hermaphrodite"? I always thought it had a very nice Greek sound to it. Like the Greek gods.

  • @Kense

    Child, I'm sorry you're too much of a transphobe to accept that I'm a woman. But read this article and tell me again about how it's all determined by biology.


  • @sby1934 That's known as intersex now.

  • edited June 20

    @BrianOcean I love you and you are awesome, but you may not be familiar with the history of @deathdish . @Mike403's comments were not related this his recent post. See below

    Leave that point alone and don't let it be used against you.

  • lol ok so I’m a transphobe because I call you a trans woman but not a woman. So make up your mind , are you saying you’re one of the two genders now? Now you’re a woman and not a trans woman ? And I’m the intolerant one.

  • Is the numbered list a scoring game? Who has the highest score so far? What's the prize?

  • @Kense

    Oh, so you do admit that I'm a woman? Or is it "trans woman" because you think trans women aren't women?

  • You do know there are Trans people who share my view too right? Are you speaking for every single trans person? The arrogance. One of my professors in college was a trans woman who thought they deserved their own category and weren’t a woman or man but just trans and should have their own category , for sports as well , was she transphobic? A native San Franciscan trans woman activist that fights for LGBTQ rights is a transphobe.

  • Unless you were born with a vagina you’re a trans woman .

  • Man I've been away, and you guys really got to it in discussion i see. I am not going to read past the OP because i don't really have much to add or detract. I have one thing I'd like to ask. I don't think i am an anything-phobe i also don't want to be associated with any type of discrimination, subjugation or any isms. But

    Since we are all visual beings or beings that believe their senses first.... any negative labeling of folks that believe what they see first and act accordingly i believe is unfair. I mean we can get past it but i think it's unfair. As a man of a certain age i know what i thought and believed and was taught for the lions and lion cubs share of my life; i know what ownership I've taken to make others feel unencumbered. How much responsibility are innocent folks in the world expected to adjust prior to being exposed to the issue?

    I was a whole adult before i was faced with these discussions. I've yet to actually speak to anyone who is transgender (although i have a family close family member who is) in her adult life we've spoken once and it was pleasant salutations nothing beyond. Does anyone within the LGBTQIA understand the difficulty there is to adjust and understand , especially considering it's a new concept to some? Example: if i were to meet a young lady and throughout conversation i learn the situation my reaction would probably be written on my face. Would that make me a phobic person? The concept would be challenging for me to understand and take a moment to come to grips with. I'd definitely not try and do anything stupid or try to say anything stupid but i might because i don't have the resources available to take it in.

  • @Kense Please stop dodging the question. Do you think trans women are women? Yes or no.

  • edited June 20

    How did I dodge the question? I’ve stated it several times I do not believe trans women are biological women and trans men are not biological men. Because they aren’t . Whats wrong with having your own category? The whole premise of your thread is that you’re different and one of the 72 genders now it’s back to you want to be called a woman. Why? I thought you said women were something else.

  • @BashfulLoner It is difficult, yes. And you do get points for trying. If you have lots of questions but don't mean any harm or disrespect, you just want to learn, that is no type of phobic. If you say "I disagree with your identity so I refuse to accept it", or if you attack someone for being transgender (yes, that does happen all too often) that is definitely phobic.

    I'd definitely not try and do anything stupid or try to say anything stupid but i might because i don't have the resources available to take it in.

    This is the difference. I agree that it's difficult to know how you would handle something until you experience it.

    In another post, I commented how I used to be a little transphobic, but I realized it's because I didn't understand being transgender. And I refused to let my lack of understanding hurt someone else. And now, I can say I understand being transgender. :)

  • @Kense It's pretty obvious that transgender women are not cisgender women. But are transgender women women? Please answer, yes or no.

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