What transphobia looks like



  • @Kense I think I see your confusion. You think transgender is a gender. It isn't. It's a descriptive that says your actual gender does not match your gender assigned at birth.

  • I'm confused myself to tell you the truth. If transwomen claim there are many genders, then say that they are "women", wouldn't that fall into one of the two genders and not one of the 50+ other genders?

  • I think there are 2 different things going on here. @Unscented_Lemon is saying that @Kense is transphobe but @Kense is saying he believes there are only 2 genders. I looked up transphobia in the dictionary and it says,

    dislike of or strong prejudice against transgender people

    So I will ask, @Kense do you have a dislike of or strong prejudice against transgender people?

  • @Mike403 I include various forms of non-binary. I am a transgender woman. I am not non-binary. Which also means I can't really speak much about that, other than that it indicates more than two genders.

    Plus transphobes tend to mean "only two genders" to mean whatever you're assigned with at birth is what you're stuck with your entire life.

  • @BashfulLoner I'm going to refer you to my earlier comment about how no one expects people to change or know immediately. No one is perfect, no one never makes mistakes.

    If you genuinely are trying to learn, making an effort, asking for help when need be (see lonelytauros asking respectful requestions regularly - he is a great example of how to show you are trying) - people will see that.

    The problem is the people who cite their age or how they were raised as a reason to not bother learning at all. Those that complain about change all the time forget that every generation ever has always complained about change. Progress happens whether we like it or not - humans adapt and change, we're not stagnant creatures.

    It's ok to struggle - it's not ok to not try, or worse - to blame it on the people asking you to adapt your ways to accommodate them. There is a lot of resources a available and people willing to help - you just have to ask rather than complain or demand.

  • LOL I don’t dislike people I don’t know and as a Black man I definitely don’t discriminate against people based on who they are , that’s absurd to me coming from the history we’ve experienced. But no I don’t think Trans Women or Men are Women or Men. They have their own category . Is my USF trans professor a transphobe ? How about the Trans Woman who defended Dave Chapelle?

  • @Unscented_Lemon the first thing is to understand that we really don't know Jack. Everything we know is all limited to our experience and information. The longer we live the more we learn how much we don't know. i think it's difficult for folks to grasp what they think they know is wrong, and it's not you fault your wrong - you still are though, believe it or not.

  • @Mike403 transgender people include assigned male at birth (AMAB) and assigned female at birth (AFAB) folks who are any form of intersex, non-binary, gender non-conforming, genderfluid, agender, etc.

    Trans means different from what they were assigned (versus cis meaning same as assigned). Since people are usually assigned male or female, anything other than those two automatically falls under transgender.

  • I guess I don’t understand why anyone needs a label. Just exist, you are who you are. No confusing terms. Seems like would alleviate a lot of this discussion.

  • @Kense

    But no I don’t think Trans Women or Men are Women or Men.

    Congratulations, child, you're a transphobe for denying people their identity. Having dark skin in no way affects that.

    It's strange, all this time I've been using the women's room when I should have been using the transgender women's room. I buy women's clothing when I should have been buying transgender women's clothing. Who knows what else I've messed up. (sarcasm)

  • It appears that it doesn't take much to be labeled a transphobe nowadays. if that the case than being a transphobe is not actually a negative, its quite normal. so, what is the issue here? in fact, looking at some of the indications mentioned by the OP, I'm quite proud to be one.

    There's a young trans woman working at one of the Starbucks locations by me. couple weeks ago, she greeted me as "my favorite customer" . We joke around and she laughs when I make fun of her dresses. that's me in RL. and then there's this place. calling me this and that.

  • @Sooson Tell her you don't think she's a real woman, or that transgender people should be discriminated against, or any of your other transphobic beliefs. See if you're still her favorite.

  • @justwanthugs Some people are just obsessed with other peoples' genitals.

  • edited June 20

    @justwanthugs labels are language tools, that's all. Some people use them for communicating. Other people use them as weapons. The choice of how they are used is by the person using them, but the words in and of themselves are not the issue.

    They are only confusing while they are new to you. Learning anything new is confusing for awhile. It can help sometimes to use other modes of learning: video, graphics, having a friend describe it to you. Whatever method works best for you. The point is, it does not have to be confusing. At some point in your life computers were confusing, phones were confusing, words were confusing - but you learned how to use them some how.

  • The single biggest reason for arguments, disagreements and passionate conversations on this site is because people become upset when other peoples opinions or values don’t align with their own. @Unscented_Lemon is allowed to identify as a woman and @kense is allowed to say that he thinks there are only 2 genders. It is of my personal opinion that @kense is not spreading hatred. It is also my personal opinion that @Unscented_Lemon can utilize her position in better and healthier ways to spread transgender positivity than to continue to engage with @Kense.

  • @Morpheus I suppose you're right. I know they'll never accept my identity, they'll never "believe in" it, so I should just start ignoring them.

    People like BashfulLoner are much more worthwhile to interact with. His questions are genuine.

  • Stop calling me child , I’m a man. Call me transphobe all you want because it’s laughable and not reality. You can call yourself anything you want , I don’t care. I really don’t but I’ll never call a trans Woman a Woman just because they feel like they are.

  • Honestly, I don’t care what other people call themselves. That’s their business. I meet and talk with many different types of people. I deal with them cordially, and try to be fair and balanced. I don’t need to classify them or call them anything. Their personal life and preferences are not my concern, nor do I particularly want to know. It baffles me why we can’t all just do that and live our own lives.

  • @Kense You seem like a child to me, and my opinion is all that matters.

  • edited June 20

    And you seem like a hostile man to me. I was respectful this whole thread but you’re not a person to respect. You’re rude and have attacked multiple people. I’m not going to bow down and allow you to down talk me because you have your own personal anger problems .

  • @Unscented_Lemon Thats a problem for me. We should all respect other people’s opinions, whether we disagree or not.

  • @Kense I'm not angry, child, I'm mocking you. I'm doing to you what you do to me. If you don't like it, maybe that's something to reflect on. Especially since you're deliberately misgendering me. And you expect me to believe you're not transphobic. That's a laugh.

  • @justwanthugs I'm more than willing to disagree on whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza. I'm not willing to disagree about whether or not I'm a woman. I see no reason to tolerate attacks on my identity.

  • Ladies and gentlemen! (Or whatever)

  • edited June 20

    My son Matthew is 23. He's had two serious long term relationships, both with transgender men (f2m). He and his current partner Danny have been together since 2020. When my aunt's granddaughter came out as transgender and started living as a male, my mom was a big.support to her (my aunt) because as a grandmother who has only known their grandbaby to be a girl, it was a shock to my aunt's system. We can't expect a 78 year old grandmother in Alabama who grew up in the church to just shrug her shoulders and say whelp I suppose everything I know and believe to be true about life isn't now. But my mother was very compassionate and empathetic with her, because she too has a grandson (my son) who is a rainbow child and has a partner who is very important to him that is trans. When my aunt asked if it was weird for my mother, she said no, and it's because Matthews partner Danny loves him and makes him happy , and that's all that a grandmother could ever want from her grandsons partner. She became a supporter and an ally because she loves her grandson so much that his happiness is worth more than an argument about biology. Seems simplistic but to me that makes perfect sense . My son and his partner have never felt any sense of not belonging. It's heartening to hear my mother talk to my aunt as well as others about my son and his partner, and that to her it is completely normalized despite being almost 80 and a church going southerner . And we are all going to my aunt's house on Sunday because her son and her sons family are coming in town from Austin, and I get to see Ryan (new name) for the first time since living as a man. And Ryan will get to meet my sons partner Danny for the first time . So many things to be happy about . Love my family so much.

  • @Unscented_Lemon Thats not what you said. You said your opinion is the only one that matters. That’s a very self centered view. Not everyone has the same level of expertise, but everyone’s opinions are valid

  • Thanks for the name-calling instructions. People think differently. Get over it.

  • @justwanthugs are you respectful of people who make threads about people with nice smiles 🤣

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