What transphobia looks like



  • @Specialist_Log

    And you can get murdered for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Nice whatabout.

    For literally THOUSANDS of years the status quo of male and female has worked. Why only recently, within the past decade or so, are people so insistent on being something they quite literally aren't? Genuine question.

    Only the past decade?



    More to your point, many things are denied to us for our own good.

    Does this include transitioning so we can be our true selves? How is denying that and making us miserable and suicidal for our own good?

  • @Specialist_Log

    And this. Looks like being transgender goes back thousands of years.


  • edited June 20

    Does this include transitioning so we can be our true selves? How is denying that and making us miserable and suicidal for our own good?

    Never said it did, however I think it's self evident that a person will not get far in life if they expect the world to bend to their whims. If you cannot deal with reality, you will struggle.
    People are people.
    I don't think denying an objective and verifiable truth is the answer to healing ones mental well-being. If it works for some, it works for some, but it does not, can not, and will not work for everyone. I think for many people, not all, there are deeper underlying problems than "I was born in the wrong body."

    And this. Looks like being transgender goes back thousands of years.

    Looks can be deceiving

  • You can get murdered for having the wrong genitalia

    That's transphobia imo if people want to take extreme measures like that. Otherwise, just like religion or politics, we can agree that everyone has different beliefs.

  • @TightCuddler4 I would hope your god looks at the transgendered, the cis and all groups of people as humans deserving of love and respect and for all humans to stop using their version of a deity as a justification to persecute those different from them and say it’s not me it’s this “god” that might get me.

    Maybe instead of worrying about if you have been labeled, maybe read and learn to have a better understanding of someone different from you. I read the list, and I am guilty of a couple of the things on the list from the past but I educated myself a bit and work to understand and I do. Maybe I am transphobic in certain respects. But I can learn to understand. I think someone trying to be be what they feel every minute of their life to function in the world happily is admirable. I prefer that to an angry person who lose their sh#t over one word they think they are not and go on the attack.

    And hey Jesus was into transfiguration so he was trans too. He also didn’t mind changing biologically pure water into wine for a party. Don’t get me started on transubstantiation. Sounds like Jesus was part of the “lunatic fringe” as one person mentioned. Trans, trans, trans.

    I think what God was going for was kindness and love. But what do I know? I am an atheist. Maybe God is a card carrying bigot.

  • @Specialist_Log

    Never said it did, however I think it's self evident that a person will not get far in life if they expect the world to bend to their whims. If you cannot deal with reality, you will struggle.

    So since the reality is that I'm a woman, people should treat me like a woman, not misgender me, etc. They shouldn't expect the world to bend to their whims. If they can't deal with reality, they will struggle.

    I don't think denying an objective and verifiable truth is the answer to healing ones mental well-being.

    So you accept that we keep finding more and more evidence that some people are just "born in the wrong body"?

    If it works for some, it works for some, but it does not, can not, and will not work for everyone.

    I agree. Most people are not transgender.

    I think for many people, not all, there are deeper underlying problems than "I was born in the wrong body."

    And this is your personal opinion. And you use it to hurt people who were simply "born in the wrong body".

    There are a lot of mental issues that come with being transgender and not being able to be your true self. The problem being not the transgender part, but the not being able to be your true self part.

    Looks can be deceiving

    The denial is strong with this one.

  • @TheFunCartel

    I greatly appreciate your willingness to learn. I'm always happy to answer any questions you might have. I'm still surprised I've only gotten a couple questions about things on the list. Most people here jumped straight to flat-out denying that various things on the list are transphobic, because otherwise they might have to think about them.

    No one is born perfect. It's the willingness and ability to learn that makes us good.

  • And you use it to hurt people who were simply "born in the wrong body".

    Quite the accusation here. Tell me, who have I hurt?
    No, I'm not talking about online forum posts or words here or there, I mean actually, tangibly hurt.
    I'll once again state, I don't care what you are, or say you are. You are behaving in a way on this forum that is bothersome to me, and many others with your self important and 'holier than thou' attitude while repeating the same tired arguments and using the same tactics of twisting people's words, name calling, etc. You knew what would likely happen upon posting this thread. If you didn't, you should've. If you stopped being so damn pushy about it, I doubt anyone would care.
    That is all. This ""discussion"" has been tiresome from the start and frankly I'm done with it. Best of luck in your endeavors, leave me out of them from here on.

  • @Unscented_Lemon

    We all need a beer-You're buying the first round.

    You have the second round

  • Y’all would all be friends if you sat down for a beer

  • @Morpheus
    has the third round

  • @Morpheus

    I don't drink, but I'd have some sort of beverage with you and a few of the other people here. But none of the transphobes. When they try to tell me that I'm not a woman or that I should be discriminated against, I'll probably dump hot water in their laps.

    Speaking obviously doesn't work, so I might as well do something fun.

  • @Unscented_Lemon
    You can buy me a beer and I will buy you a coffee-But don't pour it on me.

  • @BrianOcean

    I won't pour it on you because you won't be there.

  • edited June 20

    @Sooson Why did they feel that he is a girl? Did they have a dream? Did she talk about being a girl? You're not exactly a reliable source.

    HE is (or was at the time) a 3-year-old BOY. and why did they feel he is a girl? because they are tik-tok brainwashed sheeple that wanted to be included in a "movement" and show how progressive they are. I am not the source; I am the messenger.

    And good to know that all you need is a single example to say that everyone does it.

    I referred to them as the lunatic fringe. that is by definition not everyone.

    and again, I'm being labeled. this time "unreliable source".

    @Sooson As usual, you're deliberately missing the point. So there's a trans woman who's a cashier who likes you as a customer. What does that prove? You've obviously never had a real conversation with her. But somehow her liking you as a customer magically makes you not transphobic? Which is why I asked how she would feel if she knew your transphobic beliefs. A question which you are desperately avoiding answering by introducing other irrelevancies.

    at this point you are literally making me laugh. seriously.

    now let's move on to a more reasonable person.

    @pmvines After reading your latest post. I also went back and read the one you referred to (apparently, I skipped a page or 2). Great story and I can relate to it more than you can imagine based on my documented history here. And yes diplomatic you definitely are. you and I didn't start on a good note here and I will take the blame for that, but we can get along. not to extent of a cuddle session but still.

  • @cuddlefaery i use as a reference to where someone is coming from. It's an easy general measure. I think everyone can recognize the changes in thinking over time, new terms and discoveries.

    But you also have to recognize some people have no desire to learn anyone else's circumstance. This concept isn't new or unique and just like some want others to understand them, those folks who choose to stay ignorant to some things need to be understood and recognized. As well as being respectful from either position.

  • Yea i'll buy beer, and Pizza. You got it @BrianOcean and whoever wants to join.

  • tik-tok brainwashed sheeple

    Good insult, I'll have to remember it. Especially if there's a question I don't want to answer.

  • I think im a pretty level headed, mild mannered person. I try get to involved in the chatty patty fighting. But i can say in all confidence that would not sit down for a beer with many of you, based on what i read in the forums. While you may have some reasonable thoughts to share you definitely spend too much time sharing them.... and being unreasonable. But that's one guys thoughts disregard because it won't affect anyone, i just felt the need to be contrarian and mean.

  • edited June 20

    Only for that comment we gonna make @BashfulLoner buy two rounds.

  • I'm a coffee and water guy myself. If I drink I'll get drunk and before you know it I'm slamming heroin and stealing cars

  • @pmvines

    I'm a coffee and water guy myself. If I drink I'll get drunk and before you know it I'm slamming heroin and stealing cars

    Don't do it. It's bad to drive drunk.

  • @Unscented_Lemon
    Id much rather drive high on cappuccino

  • @BashfulLoner
    You can stand rather than sit but you have to come out for a beer and bring @Unscented_Lemon with you.
    @TheFunCartel is picking up the tab so don't be shy.

  • @BrianOcean

    You don't understand what no means, do you? Leave me out of your fantasies.

  • What does any of this have to do with cuddling?

  • @Unscented_Lemon

    Fantasies sounds like it should be it's own thread but I don't think it will last very long before

    We'll do it on your Birthday-Your drink of choice- @Morpheus will pick you up.

    @SeekerInVA -The next round is on you.

  • edited June 20

    @Unscented_Lemon I'm sorry that the bullies and trolls took over this thread instead giving space for those with genuine questions.

    There's a few more terms y'all should aquaint yourselves with, because reading back through this, this is pretty much all I see happening:

    (Edit: thank you, @BashfulLoner , for pointing out I forgot to mention: the terms are all linked to resources explaining them and their relevance. Made edits for clarity.)

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