What transphobia looks like



  • Hell just put it on please explain sealioning.....

  • @BashfulLoner I linked all those terms, since educating is what I do best. I figured linking to resources might go over better than me typing out explanations at this point, since apparently anything we say is going to be ignored or weaponized anyway :/

  • @Unscented_Lemon & @cuddlefaery ~ Thank you for all of your mental and emotional labor on this one!! (and for providing a means for identifying people to block and who I'll be glad to never meet.) What a blessing!!

    🌬🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 ~ 🫂💓

  • @Unscented_Lemon & @cuddlefaery ~ Thank you for all of your mental and emotional labor on this one!! (and for providing a means for identifying people to block and who I'll be glad to never meet.) What a blessing!!

    Yea and they know who endures emotional labor and who doesn't. and of course, they block. always the same side. the open minded.

  • edited June 21


    @Unscented_Lemon I'm sorry that the bullies and trolls took over this thread instead giving space for those with genuine questions.

    This thread was a direct continuation of a conversation in another thread that was locked by the mods and therefore was a clear defiance of the wishes of the moderating team to stop this "conversation" from continuing and should have locked when it was opened.

    Was the OP stirring things up with the initial post?

    Yes, so the "bullies" did not "show up" they were invited by an act of trolling disguised as educational.

    Do you really believe that the Original Post of "What Transphobia Looks Like" was not designed to stir things up?

    No, so again, the "bullies" did not "show up" they were invited by an act of trolling disguised as educational

    I know the responses will be the Original Post was to Protect the Trans Community and other such noble suggestions

    of course.

    Now since the thread that was locked by @Shake got creatively unlocked, so let's lock it again

    No progress has been other than me probably getting blocked by few more kind, tolerant and open-minded souls. not to mention the emotional labor I endured.

    And please let's NOT open the so called long overdue anti-racism thread.

  • edited June 21

    I'll probably dump hot water in their laps.

    Imagine the responses if someone said that about the OP........."this is violence", "this is a call for violence". "Words have power and words can lead to actions" " this is a proof you people don't want me to exist" etc..

    but we are better than that. we don't flag , we don't report, we don't block. we don't engage in mind reading. we give the benefit of the doubt and assume it was a joke.

  • @quixotic_life

    I'm glad you found this useful, even if not in the way I intended. Some of the people were no surprise, but it also brought a few other transphobes out into the open.

    This is why I fight, because a lot of people can't. I'm lucky to be in a good, supportive environment. I've had pretty much nothing but positive experiences with being trans, apart from trolls on online forums. Someone in a hostile place, such as Texas, Florida, Ohio, or other conservative places, is probably spending a lot of energy just struggling to be themselves, and can't deal with a pile of trolls like this.


    It's a good list. There's a few other things we could add.

    It's interesting to note the tactics used. Multiple people have said its my fault for posting in the first place. Apparently they're incapable of just not responding and moving on. I said something they disagree with, and they absolutely had to tell me that I'm wrong, even though I have experience in the area and they have none. All they have is their own personal feelings.

    I don't think @Kense ever realized the irony in getting angry at being called a child while telling me that I'm not a woman. Or in saying that I have anger issues because he got angry. Nothing I said was in anger. I can't say that about him and his deliberate misgendering.

    @Mr_Cuddle_Bear thinks that calling an adult a child is horribly offensive, but seems to think telling a woman she's not a woman is fine.

    @Specialist_Log is the master of cherry-picking. I could type a long post, and he'll find the one sentence that, when taken out of context, can be argued with, and ignore the rest. And then accuses me of twisting his words. Very dishonest. And that's not even counting the irony of saying I'm being "holier-than-thou" when @TightCuddler4 literally preached at me to repent my "sin" of being transgender, in a diatribe full of lies.

    @Sooson of course, remains in his own very creative special little world. His favorite trick seems to be refusing to answer a question, preferring instead to introduce irrelevancies, and then accusing me of somehow in my subsequent questions answering it. He's a master of deflection. And saying that me saying he's an unreliable source is somehow not an opinion but a "label" when him saying I'm not a woman is "an opinion". And anyone who disagrees with him or doesn't want to put up with his buillshit is "intolerant".

    And then all the people saying I should "agree to disagree" on whether or not I'm a woman and if I should be discriminated against. I'm glad none of you ever had to struggle to be yourself, or watched people like yourselves be targetted, attacked, ostracized, discriminated against, and made into second class citizens. But I'm not going to let that lack of experience keep me from fighting to be me. My identity and my rights are not up for compromise.

  • @Unscented_Lemon I would be interested in hearing the steps you have to go through to change your sex because I believe there are many who misunderstand or believe you just decide to do it and there are no hoops to jump through. If I am correct from what I have heard from people in healthcare, there is even a psych evaluation involved as well as physical testing.

    Not saying it would change people’s minds immediately but it would definitely educate by letting them know what actually occurs in gender reassignment cases.

  • edited June 21

    @TheFunCartel she already touched on that in another thread. I hesitate to point people towards it now, though, as it's been a largely positive one and I don't want it to turn.

    Edit to add: in some of the resources I shared previously, it dispelled myths around what is involved in transitioning. Asking trans people to share deeply personal details of their medical history and experience when there is easily available resources available online with accounts from hundreds of other trans people is exactly the sort of problem I was pointing out as sealioning.

    She does not need to prove what she has gone through in order to make people listen to her or believe her. People shouldn't need to hear her full story to respect her and have empathy. I'm not saying you asking once politely is the problem, but the overall mentality around asking trans people to prove themselves is.

  • @cuddlefaery I don't see this as asking me to prove anything. I see it as wanting to learn more. It's always difficult to know what someone else is going through.

    I'll write something up later when I have time. I might send it in DM, since posting it here will likely bring the trolls back.

  • @cuddlefaery I was asking for the reasons @Unscented_Lemon just gave. I like how you flesh out what you think I said but didn’t say. I asked because education is the best way to make people understand.

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