You've just won a million dollars.

[Deleted User]chococuddles (deleted user)

What's the first thing you buy?



  • Overnight cuddles for everybody!

  • Id buy a bunch of supplies and food and household stuff for my family, since they are not very well off.
    Then id go get a huge crystal since they are usually a few hundred dollars. :b

  • A place to host cuddling

  • [Deleted User]j4jimbo (deleted user)

    I like mellow :)

  • First thing is probably food. But the first thing I'd buy with the extra money......maybe a plane ticket? I am not sure.

  • First thing I'd do is pay off my crippling student debt. Lmfao

    Next I'd pay off my parents' house.

  • [Deleted User]ivlegend (deleted user)

    Give money to homeless shelter.

  • Take care of my family and all the needs they've!

  • edited April 2018

    Aw @ivlegend thats sweet. Id want to make care packages for homeless as well, Ive done that in the past too. To make 10 packs was like 100$. It was worth it to see the sincere appreciation. Id go all out with care packs if I won that much money though. <3
    I think it would be amazing to start a vegan resturaunt with a pickle bar with some friends, I have a building in mind ive been eyeballing! Lol

  • Tax Free Bonds!

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    Hmm. Stocks, maybe? Then I'd want to pay off my parents' house, get some repairs and improvements done, and then I suppose I'd use whatever was left to pay my rent and buy food every month. If I bought the right stocks, I wouldn't have to worry about starvation for the rest of my life. That would be nice, I think.

    What a diverting hypothetical. Thanks, @chococuddles.

  • Buy a huge family beach house so we can always vacation together.

  • edited February 2018

    Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund with 4% annual withdrawal. Sorted.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @Mark Thanks for the info! Hmm, I wonder if @chococuddles just won the lottery and is looking for ideas....

  • I would pay my debt off my kids colleges parents house. Then go to grocery store look for a needy family and buy them food. Donate to a food pantry that has been there for me. Then invest.

  • That's strange, I'm sure I've never bought a lottery ticket in my life. How did I end up with al this money?

    I'd buy a proper house with some nice furniture.

  • I found a trusted (recommended) Fund Advisor/Planner or a Money Coach or someone who is very knowledgeable with lump sums of money :)

  • edited February 2018

    I'd pay off my car and my student loans, I would give a portion of it to my parents, I'd move my long distance partner down to Texas or move up there... and I'd inves either in education or in furthering the game company I'm working with and paying bills until either one of those finishes and takes off.

    Once I'm sure I'm fully stable and can make much more for future stability, with the funds remaining--or after making enough to do so--I'd spoil the friends who were there for me when I needed them most and I'd probably try to convince them to live with me in a big fancy house together, as a big non-blood related family, like I used to dream of doing when I was younger..

  • [Deleted User]clumsycuddler (deleted user)

    I would pay for both my brother and I to attend college, pay off any loans we may have at the time of my getting the money and buy a small trailer or house. It would be nice to have a place of our own that no one can take away from us. I 'd give some money to my parents and move closer to my best friend and family in another state. After we settle down and whatnot, I'd spoil everyone and donate a large amount to charity.

  • Take care of my debts, buy a nice place to live and if there's plenty left over, maybe a short vacation somewhere.

  • Pay the IRS their share. Get a hotel suite, or rent a house, while a contractor guts my house, and rebuilds it from the basement up, to make it more livable. Maybe buy a new house as well, where it would be much easier to spend time with my girlfriends.
    <3 Jim

  • £100,000 - parents,
    £15,000 - brother,
    £15,000 - help my nan clear her house and update for selling,
    £20,000 - half to pay off a bit of my best friend's uni debt and the rest to give him a start on savings toward a post-uni residence,

    £550,000 - for my housing, bills and savings

    Remaining £300,000 split between charities, monitored to use the money wisely (and none into the pockets of rich people!) - though this is where I always wish for more money, so I can give to more to charities :P

  • Im a car guy so 100k in cars another 100k on a foreclosed home in Puerto Rico and id live philanthropically

  • [Deleted User]MoonlightSonata (deleted user)

    I would probably buy a house since it has been my goal to buy a house for many years. :) Then with the rest I would think about the smartest way to invest the money, which charities I could donate to, and which family members or friends need immediate help.

  • First thing is a plane ticket to Russia and travel all over Europe, then a cruise to Bermuda, then Alaska. I can't travel enough ?

  • [Deleted User]lilredmage (deleted user)

    I'll put it in my 401K or similar investment and use it when I actually need it.

  • [Deleted User]Cris033 (deleted user)

    Pay for a friends doc visits and try help them with paying for stuff. Id probably buy stuff i usually buy and all and save the rest of my money in the bank. Who knows, meybe i could help my friend open the coffee shop they always dreamt of opening?

  • Some Congressional seats.

  • I'd probably book a cruise to someplace warm, like the Caribbean. Been a while since I've been on one, and I loved it. Probably offer to take someone with me as well for cuddling, but would be fine going by myself as well. Just get away for a week or so and forget about worries on land.

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